A renal transplant workup includes a physical exam, blood tests, imaging studies, and psychological evaluation. Counseling can help patients prepare for the transplant and improve their mental health.
Blood tests : Check your blood sugar, electrolytes, and the function of your heart, kidneys, liver, and thyroid
Imaging studies : X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs can help check your lungs, heart, and other organs
Cardiac tests : An echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, and stress test can help check your heart's function
Pulmonary function tests : A chest X-ray and spirometry can help check your lungs' function
Cancer screening : A colonoscopy, mammogram, and Pap smear can help check for cancer
Other tests : A dental exam, prostate exam, and gynecological exam can help check for infections, cavities, and other issues
Psychological evaluation : A psychologist can help identify potential psychopathological disorders and hidden motivations
Diet : Patients should follow a low-fat diet with normal or low caloric intake to prevent weight gain, hypertension, and other complications
Medication adherence : Patients should make sure they can take their post-transplant medications
Hygienic measures : Patients should follow hygienic measures to prevent cardiovascular and infectious complications